Image of 8-bit Spaceship


GitHub | Last Updated July 11, 2022


OurToDos is a collaborative project to help people organize their to-dos. Users can create several lists and add others to add and complete tasks. When a task is created it tells others who created the task below the task title. When a user completes that task it strikes out everything and tells others who completed it. Once a task is completed it can be deleted from the list by clicking the "X" on the right of the task. However, if a task is not completed, it can be edited by clicking on the "pen" icon on the right. Additionally, users can "pin" a task by clicking the star next to the list on either the "Home" page or the "All Lists" page. If a user already has a "pinned" task then the "Home" page with automatically open that list. A user can "unpin" a list but simply clicking on the yellow star on the "All Lists" page. I plan on added more features and releasing this build to get real world use.
#Python, #Django, #Bootstrap, #HTML, #CSS, #JavaScript


Image of 8-bit Spaceship
Image of 8-bit Spaceship
Image of 8-bit Spaceship
Image of 8-bit Spaceship
Image of 8-bit Spaceship
Image of 8-bit Spaceship
Image of 8-bit Spaceship